Art has always been enticing to me as a tool of imagination and human psychology. In years past, my focus has been figurative abstraction, but has now shifted to experimenting with a variety of materials and mixing media to create imagined and invented landscapes which are sometimes anchored in reference or reality. I am interested in exploring how we engage our environment from a psychological viewpoint and internal perspective. It’s interesting to consider how reality interacts with internal vision, fantasy, and imagination. I attempt to express this through experimentation with materials to create vistas and environments where our minds can latch on to adventure and beauty, or experience climate threats, battle weather, and be generally be either at harmony or at odds with natural forces.
Mindscapes 2020-2021 and Aerialscapes 2021
By all counts 2020 and onwards has taken us through strange and unprecedented times.  With the distractions of the outside world inadvertently receding into the depth of the Pandemic, I found that there was much to be found in looking on the inside, rather than the outside, for new worlds of adventure. 
In my small studio space, I turned to the landscape of my mind. Through experimentation with materials and freedom from observation, I found vast realms of light and color, strange vistas, and magical worlds, which were sometimes wild and rough and sometimes calm and inviting.
I call the body of work from 2020 Mindscapes and the work from 2021 Aerialscapes. Possibly the best way to look at all the works is just Escapes.  I hope that travels through these images of wonder, color, tumult, and beauty connect the viewer to the magic of internal spaces we all hold, and bring a bit of fantasy and mystery to the journey. 

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