My art education began in St. Petersburg, Russia at six years old, when my mother signed me up for classes at the Hermitage, an awe-inspiring world class museum. I loved this class which was based on imagination and storytelling and where we, little kids, were encouraged to work on huge watercolors as big as 3x4 feet. After, there was always something new to see in the cavernous galleries, and we would explore for hours each week. I especially remember the Impressionist collections and the Armory exhibits. 
Art has always been enticing to me as a tool of imagination and human psychology. I earned my BA in Art at Indiana University and my MFA in Painting at Brooklyn College. Previously my focus has been figurative abstraction, but has now shifted to experimental mixed media  based on imaginary landscapes.
I have exhibited my work in group and solo shows in New York and New Jersey, and curated several corporate exhibitions while working and living in NYC. While there, I also pursued a career in graphic design and digital art, and worked in several ad agencies on national and international campaigns. In 2001 I joined the faculty in the Media Arts Department at Middlesex College in NJ, where I teach a variety of digital and traditional classes. In my personal work and in my teaching practice, I continue to invest in integrating and deepening skills, and working across media. 
In My Studio
My studio is full of materials ready to be used. It is a small space that lends itself to small work. Having worked on huge pieces in the past, scaling down has been a change for me. Over the past year I have grown to love the small space with everything I need within an arm's reach in my tiny room full of odds and ends, every kind of paint, good visual references, coffee mugs at various stages of neglect, and my favorite books. I am currently completely engrossed in creating huge worlds within tiny spaces.
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